What's Good For Peeling Skin? Dealing with peeling of the skin is not pleasant. Often, exposure to the sun is the cause of this problem. However, it can sometimes be due to other skin-damaging factors. So finding the cause of peeling skin makes it much easier to avoid it and find a solution. Read on to learn what peeling skin is, what causes peeling skin, and treatments that can help heal your skin.
What's Good For Peeling Skin? |
What Is Skin Peeling?
Skin peeling, scientifically known as “terquamation,” is the loss of the outer layer of your skin. Skin peeling can occur due to direct damage to the skin or due to pre-existing skin conditions, different serious diseases, disorders, and external or internal conditions.Skin resurfacing can happen in small areas or anywhere on the body in people of all ages. The problem can be cured or alleviated with topical treatments.
What Causes Skin Peeling?
Skin peeling can be caused by factors that damage the skin, such as prolonged sun exposure, certain topical medications, dryness, skin conditions, and allergies. Read on to find out how these factors affect your skin.1st. sunburn
This is the most common cause of skin peeling. Sunburns are caused by prolonged exposure to the sun's harsh ultraviolet rays without adequate protection (sunscreen or sunscreen). UV rays kill skin cells, causing redness and burning sensation. Dead skin begins to peel off and new skin cells replace them.
How They Should Be Protected
Sunscreen with at least 30 SPF is the best way to prevent sunburn.
2nd ed. Topical Treatments
Retinoidler ve benzoil peroksit gibi topikal tedaviler cilt soyulmasının yaygın nedenleridir. Akne ve kırışıklıkları kontrol altına almak için kullanılan bu tedaviler cildinizin kurumasına ve soyulmasına neden olur.
Nasıl Korunmalılar?
Bu topikal ilaçları kullanırken cildiniz soyulmaya başlarsa, bir dermatoloğa danışın ve dozu azaltıp azaltamayacağınıza bakın. Çok hassas bir cildiniz varsa, bu tedavileri tamamen atlamak ve daha yumuşak olanları tercih etmek daha iyidir.
3. kuruluk
Bu cilt soyulması için başka bir yaygın faktördür. Özellikle kışın. Cildiniz kuruduğunda, üst katmanlar soğuk ve dehidre edici havaya maruz kalması nedeniyle yeterli hidrasyon elde etmez. Bu, erken cilt hücresi dönüşümüne yol açar ve bu da cilt soyulmasına neden olur.
Nasıl Korunmalılar?
Cildinizi gün boyu nemli tutun. Bunu, çok miktarda su tüketip düzenli olarak nemlendirici uygulayarak yapabilirsiniz. Cildinizin gergin ve kurumuş hissetmesine izin vermeyen nazik yüz temizleyicileri kullanmak da önemlidir.
4. Alerjiler
Alerjik reaksiyonlar da cilt soyulmasına yol açabilir. Kullandığınız ürünlere alerjiniz olabilir ve hatta farkına varamayabilirsiniz.
Nasıl Korunmalılar?
Kullandığınız ürünlere karşı alerjik reaksiyon olup olmadığını belirlemek için bir dermatoloğa danışın. Bir ürününüz varsa, ürünü kullanmayı bırakın ve hipoalerjenik alternatifleri bulun. Tahriş edicileri kesin olarak belirledikten sonra, yeni ürünler satın almadan önce dikkatli olun ve içindekiler listesini okuyun.
Cilt Peelinginde Doğal Bakımlar
1 inci. Hindistancevizi yağı
Her çeşit soyulmuş cilt için uygundur
Hindistancevizi yağı
2 dakika
1 inci. Cildinizi serinletmek için soğuk bir duş alın.
2nd ed. After drying, apply coconut oil to your skin.
3. Massage gently for a few minutes.
4. Leave the oil on.
How often?
Whenever your skin starts to get uncomfortable.
How Does That Benefit You?
Coconut oil is perfect for people suffering from skin conditions. This oil helps soothe the skin while also hydrating and nourishing it. High saturated fat content improves your skin by renewing moisture. It also relieves itching and peeling.
2nd ed. Cocoa Butter
Suitable for all kinds of peeled skin
Cocoa butter
2 minutes
1st. Take a cold shower to cool your skin.
2nd ed. After drying, apply coconut oil to your skin.
3. Massage gently for a few minutes.
4. Leave the oil on.
How often?
Whenever your skin starts to get uncomfortable.
How Does That Benefit You?
Cocoa butter is a great skin moisturizer. It also helps to lighten and peel the skin. This oil is also known to heal cracked and dry skin.
3. Rub With Sugar
Suitable for dry skin, sunburn and chemical burns.
* 2 tablespoons brown sugar
* 1 tbsp granulated sugar
* ½ Cup coconut oil (solid)
5 minutes
1st. Combine ingredients until you have a smooth mixture.
2nd ed. Apply the mixture to the Peel area.
3. Gently massage in a circular motion to exfoliate.
4. Rinse with hot water.
How often?
2-3 times per week.
How Does That Benefit You?
Brushing with this sugar helps keep your skin soft by helping rid of all the peeling, dead skin cells. This brushing is not recommended for people with skin diseases.
4. Brush With Oatmeal
Suitable for
Suitable for dry skin, sunburn and chemical burns.
* 2 tbsp powdered oatmeal
* 1 tbsp fine sugar
* 1 tbsp sugar
5 minutes
1st. Combine ingredients to achieve a rough mixture.
2nd ed. Apply this mixture to the affected area.
3. Gently massage in a circular motion to shed your skin.
4. Leave the mixture for a few more minutes.
5. Rinse with cold water.
How often?
2-3 times per week.
How Does That Benefit You?
This exfoliating mixture helps to gently clean your skin, revealing a fresh and healthy layer. It prevents your skin from looking dry and can cope with the ugly appearance of peeled skin.
Suitable for all kinds of skin shedding.
Olive oil
5 minutesreferences
1st. Gently heat the olive oil (if the burn is not fresh).
2nd ed. Apply oil to affected areas.
3. Massage for a few minutes.
4. Oil on bırakın.Ne often?
Three times a day.
How Does That Benefit You?
Olive oil is a rich source of fatty acids that helps moisturize dry skin. The high antioxidants in it keep your fresh skin healthy by fighting against damage to your skin.
6. Baby Oil
Suitable for all kinds of skin shedding.
Baby oil
2 minutes
1st. Take a cold shower to cool your skin.
2nd ed. After drying, apply baby oil to your skin.
3. Massage gently for a few minutes and then leave the oil on.
How often?
Whenever your skin gets violent.
How Does That Benefit You?
This sedative drug is especially ideal for people with sensitive skin. Baby oil is extremely relaxing to your skin and is too light to cause further irritation. It helps to soothe your skin while keeping it moist.
7th ed. Vaseline
Suitable for all kinds of skin shedding.
5 minutes
1st. Wash your skin with cold water and dry with a towel.
2nd ed. Apply Vaseline to affected areas.
3. Leave it open.
How often?
Whenever your skin gets violent.
How Does That Benefit You?
Vaseline helps create a protective barrier around your skin that helps keep dirt, oil and moisture inside. This helps you create an ideal environment that allows your skin to heal.
8. Aloe Vera For Peeling
Suitable for all kinds of skin shedding.
2 tbsp fresh aloe vera gel
5 minutes.
1st. Apply Aloe vera gel to the affected area.
2nd ed. Allow to dry.
3. Rinse with warm water after drying.
How often?
Whenever your skin gets violent.
How Does That Benefit You?
99% of aloe vera is water and has a refreshing effect on your skin. It helps to soothe peeling and aggravated skin while hydrating and nourishing the skin. It also helps to reduce irritation, itching and inflammation.
Ninth Epsom Salt
Suitable for all kinds of skin shedding.
* 1 cup Epsom salt
* A hot bath
30 minutes-1 hour
1st. Draw a hot bath and add Epsom salt.
2nd ed. Soak in the bath for 30 minutes an hour.
3. Dry yourself with a towel.
How often?
1-2 times per day.
How Does That Benefit You?
Epsom salt helps exfoliate your skin while nourishing your skin with minerals. It also has a soothing effect on aggravated skin and provides relief from skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
10. Lemon Juice
Suitable for non-inflamed skin.
* 1 tbsp lemon juice
* 1 tbsp olive oil
* ½ Cup) sugar
* 1 tbsp honey
5 minutes
1 inci. Sert bir karışım elde edene kadar tüm malzemeleri bir araya getirin.
2. baskı Birkaç dakika boyunca dairesel hareketlerle hafifçe masaj yapın.
3. Soğuk suyla durulayın.
Ne sıklıkla?
Haftada 2-3 kez.
Bu Size Nasıl Yararlanıyor?
Limon suyu, ölü cilt hücrelerinden kurtulmaya yardımcı olan güçlü bir kurtarıcıdır. Bu soyma görünümünü azaltmaya yardımcı olur.
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